sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Bandas y discos en los que ha colaborado Josh Klinghoffer .

* The Bicycle Thief - "You Come and Go Like a Pop Song" (1999)
* Perry Farrell - "Song Yet To Be Sung" (2001)
* Tricky - "Blowback" (2001)
* Golden Shoulders - "Let My Burden Be" (2002)
* John Frusciante - "Shadows Collide With People" (2004)
* John Frusciante - "The Will to Death" (2004)
* Golden Shoulders - "Friendship Is Deep" (2004)
* Ataxia - "Automatic Writing" (2004)
* John Frusciante - "Inside of Emptiness" (2004)
* John Frusciante & Josh Klinghoffer - "A Sphere In The Heart Of Silence" (2004)
* PJ Harvey - "Itunes Originals" (2004)
* Thelonious Monster - "California Clam Chowder" (2004)
* Gemma Hayes - "The Roads Don't Love You" (2005)
* The Format - "Dog Problems" (2006)
* Bob Forrest - "Modern Folk and Blues: Wednesday" (2006)
* PJ Harvey - "The Peel Sessions 1991 - 2004" (2006)
* Spleen - "Nun Lover!" (2007)
* The Diary of IC Explura - "A Loveletter to the Transformer, Pt. 1" (2007)
* Charlotte Hatherley - "The Deep Blue" (2007)
* Golden Shoulders - "Friendship Is Deep (Reissue)" (2007)
* Ataxia - "AW II" (2007)
* Neon Neon - "Stainless Style" (2008)
* Gnarls Barkley - "The Odd Couple" (2008)
* Martina Topley-Bird - "The Blue God" (2008)
* Pocahaunted - "Chains" (2008)
* Headless Heroes - "The Silence of Love" (2008)
* John Frusciante - "The Empyrean" (2009)
* Warpaint - "Exquisite Corpse" (Manimal Vinyl 2009)
* Golden Shoulders - "Get Reasonable" (2009)

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