domingo, 3 de enero de 2010

Josh Klinghoffer el nuevo guitarrista Pepper

Bueno la info la saqué de una muy buena página de los Peppers, y a mi criterio podemos dar por hecho que la noticia es de lo más certera.
Acá les dejo el fragmento que enviaron a mi mail.
En síntesis, se confirma que Josh será el nuevo guitarrista. Se sabía que había estado trabajando con la banda pero no estaba totalmente confirmada su integración a la misma, por el momento era solo un colaborador, pero luego de chequearlo, se concretó que sería el reemplazante de John.
Aquí la info.

" can [b]EXCLUSIVELY[/b] reveal that Josh Klinghoffer is the new guitarist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers!

I have managed to establish contact with Josh through the previous owner of Katrina (Previous owner of JKDN) has personal contact with Josh and was able to get him to reply to an e-mail asking if he was in the band, he confirmed that he is in the band earlier today. now has direct contact with Josh and will be able to bring you updates from him personally in the future!

Thanks so much to Katrina who has been such a blessing over the past few days, she is responsible for finding out that Josh is in the band as well as getting me in contact with Josh, so we all owe her our appreciation for bringing us the news we have all been waiting to hear! And thank you to Josh too for letting us know!

Read this News Entry on the News section of the site..."

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